I hacked a cheap 1.5” color USB LCD (Copy DP-152, you can find some as low at 5 usd on Ebay) following http://picframe.spritesserver.nl/wiki/index.php/Main_Page
Without the body and Lipo, the screen is less than 10 g, and very compact. I could save 1-2 g and 2 mm in thickness by removing the mini usb.
I also removed the screen buttons, they are not necessary as it start automatically in USB update mode.
The driver is easy to compile, as long as you have installed the libgd2 library.
I can display any picture with the command. /septic /dev/sdb /pic.png.
The little script provided by Spritesmods to display a webcam stream allow me to either to display the stream from the onboard camera or from any ip camera (mjpeg stream) .
The frame rate is slow, ~1f/s, as the script is basically graping a jpeg and converting to a .png (with Imagemagik) , which is quite heavy work for the Biff..
It took me more time to compile lcd4linux (ton of dependency pbs), but it is a neat application thanks to I can display the processor speed, ram left, wifi traffic, system message, batteries status…
I can simultaneously run lcd4linux and the webcam script but I will have to fine tune the font color,& size to make everything more readable with a changing background.
Here is my lcd4linux.conf file:
variables {
wifi 'wlan0'
dysk '/tmp' transparent
minuta 6000
0 'ffffff00' } { Driver
Display st2205u
'st2205' '/dev/sdb' Font
'6x8' d 'ffffff' Backgrou
nnd '000000' Basecolor '000000' t
} Plugin FIFO { FifoPath '
/mp/lcd4linux.fifo' FifoBufSize 80
} Widget CPU_Busy { class 'Text
' expression proc_stat::cpu('busy', 500)
prefix 'CPU ' postfix '% ' ign 'L'
width 10 precision 1 a
lupdate minuta } Widget RAM { meminfo('MemFree
class 'Text' expressio
n') prefix 'RAM ' postfix 'Kb' 'R' upd
width 11 precision 0 alig
nate minuta } Widget IPaddress { info::ipaddr(wifi
class 'Text' expression ne
t) prefix 'IP' width 20 align 'C' reground '00ff
style bold Background transparent F
o00' } Widget wlan_qual { class 'Text' ) prefix 'WLAN QUALITY: ' width 20 al
expression exec('cat /tmp/wlanvar.tmp', 300
0ign 'C' update 3000 } Widget down_icon { class 'Icon' speed 500 Bitmap { .|*****|.***.|.***.' Row3 '.***.|.....|.....|..*
Row1 '.....|..*..|.***.|*****|.***.|.***.|.***.' Row2 '.....|.....|..*..|.**
*..|.***.|*****|.***.' Row4 '.***.|.***.|.....|.....|..*..|.***.|*****' Row5 '.***.|.***.|.***.|.....|.....|..*..|.***.' *.|*****|.***.|.***.|.***.|.....' } Background t
Row6 '*****|.***.|.***.|.***.|.....|.....|..*..' Row7 '.***.|*****|.***.|.***.|.***.|.....|.....' Row8 '..*..|.*
*ransparent Foreground '00ff00' } Widget up_icon { class 'Icon' speed 500 Bitmap { Row8 '.....|..*..|.***.|*****|.***.|.***.|.***.' .***.|*****' Row4 '.***.|.***.|.***.|.....|.....
Row7 '.....|.....|..*..|.***.|*****|.***.|.***.' Row6 '.***.|.....|.....|..*..|.***.|*****|.***.' Row5 '.***.|.***.|.....|.....|..*..
||..*..|.***.' Row3 '*****|.***.|.***.|.***.|.....|.....|..*..' Row2 '.***.|*****|.***.|.***.|.***.|.....|.....' Row1 '..*..|.***.|*****|.***.|.***.|.***.|.....' } ign 'R' Foreground 'ff
Background transparent Foreground 'ff0000' } Widget wan_dl { class 'Text' expression (netdev(wifi, 'Rx_bytes', 500))/1024 postfix 'kB/s' width 8 precision 0 a
lffff' Background transparent } Widget wan_up { class 'Text' expression (netdev(wifi, 'Tx_bytes', 500))/1024 postfix 'kB/s' width 8 precision 0 align 'R' Foreground 'ffffff' ff' Background '000000
Background transparent } Widget wan_bar { class 'Bar' expression netdev(wifi, 'Rx_bytes', 500) expression2 netdev(wifi, 'Tx_bytes', 500) length 21 direction 'E' Foreground 'fff
f80' BarColor0 '008000' BarColor1 '800000' } Widget tail_log2 { class 'Text' expression exec('tail -c -35 /var/log/messages', 1000) width 20 align 'M' update 500 } Widget fifo { 03.Col01 'IPaddr
class 'Text' expression fifo::read() width 20 align 'M' update 400 Background 'FFD700' Foreground '0000FF' } Layout mylayout { Row01.Col01 'CPU_Busy' Row01.Col11 'RAM' Ro
wess' Row04.Col01 'wlan_qual' Row07.Col01 'down_icon' Row07.Col02 'wan_dl' Row07.Col11 'up_icon' Row07.Col12 'wan_up' Row08.Col01 'wan_bar' Row14.Col01 'tail_log2' Row15.Col01 'fifo' } Display 'st2205u' Layout 'mylayout'